20 September 2010

I have an old computer that is stuck on "bad" - reboot?

In his Big Think interview, Achor, the author of "The Happiness Advantage," tells us that, unlike regular psychology, which focuses on the average or below average, he studies people who are in some way exceptional, with the hopes of applying that knowledge to the greater population. We can actually reprogram our brains to be happier, says Achor. "The brain is like a single processor in a computer." Someone who is chronically negative or pessimistic is merely scanning first for the stresses and the hassles of life. And because the brain has finite resources, it cannot also scan for the positive elements. As a result, that person continuously reinforces his own negativity, causing himself to feel unhappy.  More about Shawn Achor here.http://www.shawnachor.com/


  1. You need a 'like' button! Like :) This is similar to the research that shows that 'lucky' people approach the world in a different way to 'unlucky' people.

  2. Not sure if you heard James talk about the dog study that showed that people who "believed" their breed of dog was "smart" then assumed the dog was in fact smart because it was that breed.
